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John Pabros-Clark



John is owner and proprietor of Create2Generate/Creative Shamanic Living and Living the Creative Paradigm and continues as a professional life-enhancement facilitator through six years of shamanic consciousness-gatherings/physiological training (with a BFA in Theater/Film Performance and a minor in Psychology, culminating in Shamanic Drama professional training and six years of field experience). He works as a guide of self-evolution/life-enhancement through creative-engagement to generate working essential life designs; beginning each process by keying in on each individual's personal and uniquely profound living archetypes, energetic signature and co-created images. He guides to bring forth unique tools, of both scientific and metaphysical methods (utilizing the intelligence in between all things), to enhance life engagement and a more dynamic and harmonic/balanced presence (where one is always Home).  John creates beautifully open and safe environments for group gatherings and private sessions, with impeccability and spirit.

This work, as John has faithfully trained to facilitate and guide within via six years of shamanic consciousness-gathering training sessions and many spiritual intensives, leads to a teaching by the essential Self; and an immersive self-learning of greater potentiality and efficiencies in living through more profoundly connective encounters in Creative-Communication-to-Auto-Evolution (an ontegenic informational process that is always flowing)—opening beyond the modalities of “life coach” (to the more engaging life-enhancement facilitator) or even western dogma of psychiatric therapy.

John impeccably holds space for you, without dependency on time, in open invitation: to Be All You Are, expressing fully and profoundly, in ritual for spirit and life—living in creation and beauty unbounded, like compassion itself.


Click below to contact John about events, sessions and rates. All proceeds feed back into this community to create greater access and available support, generating a more sustainable model in life-enhancement work and its coelescent events.



Contact/Ask John~

Imagination & Beauty Generating Life Designs
Creative Shamanic Living
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